Hornady 200-80466 HORNADY CUSTOM LITE 243 WIN 87GR SST 20RD 10BX/CS

SKU:  1098-90491
Manufacturer Part #:  200-80466

-Cartridge:.243 Win.
-Bullet:87 gr. SST®
-Muzzle Velocity:2800 fps
-Muzzle Energy:1514 ft. lb.
-Muzzle Trajectory: -1.5"
-Custom Lite® ammunition is designed to deliver less felt recoil and a modified trajectory that still
provides accurate, deadly, and dependable performance


243 WIN

In stock

QTY Available: 1

SKU:  1098-90491^200-80466
Manufacturer Part #:  200-80466
Weight:  0.95
Price: $46.99

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 It's official! We'll be at the Hunt Alberta Expo on March 29, 2025.
Join us at the Hunt Alberta Expo, hosted by the Ponoka & Area Archers Club at the Moose Hall in Central Alberta. 


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