Hornady 147524 HORNADY BULLETS 45 CAL .458 410GR. SUBSONIC (45-70 GOVT)

SKU:  1098-147524
Manufacturer Part #:  147524
Sub-X (Subsonic eXpanding) bullets deliver big results without a big bang. Designed to provide deep penetration below the speed of sound, Sub-X features a lead core. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with its flat profile and the patented Flex Tip insert within the bullets hollow point cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities. Cannelures provide positive case crimp, making Sub-X ideal for semiautomatic weapons.
Bullet Type: Subsonic-eXpanding
Weight: 410 gr
Jacket Material: Brass
Bullet Tip Material: Polymer
Core Material: Lead
Cannelure: Yes
Coefficient: .285
Sectional Density: .279
Quantity: 50 Per Box


.458 / 11.63mm

In stock

QTY Available: 2

SKU:  1098-147524^147524
Manufacturer Part #:  147524
Weight:  3.04
Price: $75.99

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