Savage SAVAGE 110 PRECISION 57694 6.5 PRC 24"

SKU:  ae00-4205
Manufacturer Part #:  57694
The 110 Precision takes Savage’s legendary 110 action and makes it even more dynamic. With a custom stock designed by the accuracy experts at Modular Driven Technologies (MDT), the 110 Precision is fully customizable. From the adjustable comb height and length of pull, to the capabilities of its AccuTrigger ™, this aluminum framed rifle is setup for exacting performance. FEATURES Savage factory blueprinted action Matte black carbon steel heavy barrel, threaded 5/8 24 MDT LSS XL Chassis with FDE Cerakote Exclusive skeletonized stock with fully adjustable comb height and length of pull 1.5 4 lb user adjustable AccuTrigger 1-Piece 20MOA Rail AICS magazine BA Muzzle brake

6.5 PRC 24" Flat Dark Earth

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QTY Available: 1

SKU:  ae00-4205^57694
Manufacturer Part #:  57694
Weight:  0.00
Price: $2,065.00

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