132391 HSM 4512R Training 45 ACP 230 gr Plated Lead Round Nose 50 Bx/ 20 Cs

SKU:  1098-132391
Manufacturer Part #:  132391
Let HSM provide you with ammunition that you can shoot often, without breaking the bank, yet be reliable and accurate, providing you realistic training. HSM has training ammunition in all the popular Self and Home Defense calibers with multiple various loads so you can best match with your favorite choice for always-there, always-ready ammunition.
Caliber: 45 ACP
Bullet Type: Plated Lead Round Nose
Bullet Weight: 230 gr
Muzzle Energy: 348 ft lbs
Muzzle Velocity: 825 fps
Rounds Per Box: 50
Boxes Per Case: 20
Application: Plinking
Casing Material: Brass


45 ACP

In stock

QTY Available: 18

SKU:  1098-132391^HSM-45A-12R
Manufacturer Part #:  132391
Weight:  2.40
Price: $48.99

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