Hornady 200-80993 Ammo 308 Win 180 Gr SP Interlock® Intl

SKU:  7017-200-80993
Manufacturer Part #:  200-80993
308 Win 180 gr SP Custom International Loaded with legendary Hornady® InterLock® bullets, and chambered in the most popular European calibers, Custom International™ is a tried-and-true collection of versatile, proven loads for the global hunter. Hard-hitting performance puts game down quickly, ensuring minimal tracking and clean, humane kills. Conventional powders, with low muzzle flash, loaded to traditional velocities achieve exceptional performance in a wide variety of firearms. High quality brass offers reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, hardness, and dimensional consistency.

308 Win

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QTY Available: 4

SKU:  7017-200-80993^200-80993
Manufacturer Part #:  200-80993
Weight:  0.00
Price: $51.99

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