5346 PatternMaster 12ga Browning Invector Plus/Winchester SX3, SX4 Code Black Snow Plow

SKU:  ae00-5070
Manufacturer Part #:  5346
CODE BLACK SNOW PLOW tubes will extend out the end of your barrel 1½” and have an effective range out to 70 yards. The only difference between the Patternmaster CODE BLACK SNOW PLOW and Patternmaster CODE BLACK GOOSE is the color. Patternmaster applies a StrongBond White Powder Coat to the end of the SNOW PLOW tube to better conceal the tube during the fun, fast paced, Snow Goose mass casualty event. *This tube is not to be used with slug ammunition. For best results, Ballistic Performance, LLC, recommends ammunition velocities below 1550fps


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QTY Available: 1

SKU:  ae00-5070^5346
Manufacturer Part #:  5346
Weight:  0.00
Price: $159.99

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