ATA-ALR-6.5-24" ATA Arms ALR 6.5 Creedmoor 24" ALR Chassis

SKU:  ae00-6412
Manufacturer Part #:  ATA-ALR-6.5-24"
After the first Side by Side, Over and Under and Semi-automatic Shotgun of Turkey, ATA Arms now proudly presents the First Bolt Action Rifle of Turkey: TURQUA 100% Turkish-made TURQUA is another engineering innovation from Turkey's leading firearms manufacturer. Turqua is distinguished from the other bolt action rifles with its 3-stage safety and 2-stage adjustable trigger. Turqua's 60-degree bolt lift is shorter (compared to typical 90-degree bolt throw) that allows faster loading on follow-up shots. The free-floating feature maintains barrel to stock spacing for consistent accuracy. SUB-MOA at 3 shots is guaranteed with this button-rifled barrel.
Manufacturer:ATA Arms

6.5 CREEDMOOR 24" Grey Hard Anodized Aluminium

In stock

QTY Available: 1

SKU:  ae00-6412^ATA-ALR-6.5-24"
Manufacturer Part #:  ATA-ALR-6.5-24"
Weight:  0.00
Price: $1,799.00

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